CANCELLED Kyoto Meeting to Talk about Life in Japan

CANCELLED Kyoto Meeting to Talk about Life in Japan

京都きょうとでの 外国人がいこくじん女性じょせいのための なにでも しゃべれるかいプフーぷふー」は 


Meeting for Foreign Women to Talk about Life in Japan has been cancelled.

京都きょうとでは、まんのべ防止ぼうし(コロナに注意ちゅういする 特別とくべつな 期間きかん)は 3がつにちまで つづきます。 2がつ27にち京都府きょうとふ国際こくさいセンターでの あつまりは ありません。

The semi-state of emergency (まん延防止)has been extended until March 6th in Kyoto Prefecture, and therefore, we have decided to cancel our face to face meeting at Kyoto Prefectural International Center on February 27th.

We will have an online meeting on the same day at 3pm. You are welcome to join this meeting .

To join the meeting, please send us a message.

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